Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Tugas 3_Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Polytron W2430

v Spesification:         
1.        Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS)
2.        1 GHz Dual Core CPU
3.        GPS
4.        Dual SIM
5.        Tethering
6.        4.3” IPS Display
7.        Bluetooth
8.        Cameras 5 Mpix Auto Focus with front camera VGA
9.        3.5G – HSDPA
10.    Touch Screen

v Advantages and Disadvantages:
Communication gadgets such as the telephone and computer have improved rapidly. Communication more efficient. These cordless tools have a lot of advantages and disadvantages. With Polytron W2430, we can make calls and send texts or picture message to other people all over the world. Polytron W2430 has many useful features. Polytron. Some of the features is organizer, calculator, radio. Polytron W2430 allows us to play games in our free time and listen to music and news. We can even take pictures with the camera installed in Polytron W2430. Handy-useful and simple to use. Polytron W2430 relatively small and portable, so you can carry it around everywhere. Wide screen. We can easily access the internet. The internet allows millions of computer user to keep in touch with each other or exchange information. W2430 are beautiful and sophisticated.
Unless space memori RAM capacity 512 MB, uncomfortable many application. Bluetooth version 2, version 3 not yet. Front camera 1,3 Mpix, it is not high quality photos. No infrared. 

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Tugas 2_Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Yunita Resty
Email: Yunita_resty74@yahoo.com

Re: Application for Accounting Analyst position

Dear Mr/Mrs,

As a young and motivated individual, i am applying for the accounting analyst (ACC) position advertised in the PT.ASTRA INTERNATIONAL TBK of May 7th. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong accounting education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.
The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include, i am an fresh graduate, i am mastering accounting principles. My responsibilities in this accounting included handling financial corporate consolidation report, cash flow management,  taxation, and accounting systems and procedures. I have a good interpersonal and communication skill. I am quick to learn new skills and I am a good team player. I have a good anaytical thinking. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my application at an interview. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your consideration. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided above.
Thanking you in advance for your time.

Yours sincerely


Advertisement Job Vacancy

Accounting Analyst

As Accounting officer you will be responsible for all accounting function in the company, such as handling financial corporate consolidation report, cash flow management, taxation, or accounting systems and procedures.
·      Bachelor degree from Accounting
·      Fresh graduate or experienced max.2 years work
·      Mastering accounting principles is a must
·      Good interpersonal and communication skill
·      Good analytical thinking
Visit PT.ASTRA INTERNATIONAL, TBK booth to consult and apply.
